Funny animal pictures

What the fuck…it’s May.

Time goes so fast, yet good things take so long.


No, I haven’t posted anything in quite some time, but to understand what people create and publish, we must understand their circumstances.

For me, the general points are still same — 1) the pandemic rages, 2) the Texan infrastructure crumbles, 3) I have to look at stupid ugly fascist faces everyday. I already wrote about this stuff on my blog and my archived works, I don’t particularly want to repeat it. I long ago hit my limit on using rage as fuel, and I have finally accepted that I’m not the patient nuturing teacher-type.

But wait! I’m not a person! I’m an internet alien godking robot!!!



I really thought getting a computer would solve all my problems, but as with all changes, it really threw a wrench in things.

I couldn’t tell you *when* this happened, because I was busy spending the last decade disassociating on my phone, but somewhere along the line, tech/internet culture went from, “Protect your data! Understand your machine! Steal from corporations!” to “Give me your full name, address, and social! Understanding things is elitist! Piracy is always bad!” It’s jarring and weird.

So now you basically have to wrestle with your computer to NOT stalk you 24/7. Now, I am no Hackerman or any such thing — I have no interest in using Linux or even programming — but even someone like me can see how egregious all this is. Why does everything need your real name? Why does everything need to know your location? Why does everything need to be online all the time? Tech companies make all this money stalking you and you can’t even look at what they know. Ridiculous!

But yes, opting out of the default ways of 2023 combined with the point of Texas’ continuing failure to be helpful to human beings (my wifi is SHIT bc a crappy internet monopoly formed when I wasn’t looking) makes things exhausting. If I can’t even download LibreOffice without the download failing a million times, it’s unrealistic to expect a smooth workflow. It’s unrealistic to expect a smooth ANYTHING.

I make it work and keep it sexy regardless but damn.


Can robots learn anything when disconnected from the not-so-infinite teat of the internet?

Can robots function without electricity?

Is IRL cartoon a viable occupation?

Take a moment to chew on these questions with me.

[Jinggang_panda_hk @ IG]

Ultimately, those questions are probably irrelevant to what I hope to accomplish as an ~electronic entity~. If that was what I truly wanted, I would have already shacked up with some Sillicone Valley creep and/or become a vTuber 😬

[No disrespect to vTubers of course, just, that, if I had to read comments from annoying randos in real time I would spontaneously combust and become some sort of vengeful internet ghost].

Really, the question I want answered is, what is a net presence when you take “you” out of the equation?


2010’s social media was all about, bragging about your wins, using your personal life to advertise your public one, and radical honesty. Now I can’t speak for anyone else, but my impression was that if you were earnest, pure and true in representing who you were and what you do (or at least, who you wanted to be), you would be rewarded with clout, social change, and maybe even riches.


Again, I can’t speak for anyone else, but I really don’t want to post about my private life anymore. I don’t even tell most people irl my age, race, gender, or what I’m up to, so why would I share all that and MORE with one million hungry ghosts?

Some people are built for it, some people thrive in it, but that simply isn’t for me.

[Weddellsealscience @ IG]

And it doesn’t have to be!

There’s no need to share, there’s no need to post, there no need to do anything you don’t want to do, especially if it puts one in an unsafe position.

Me, I really enjoy not having my equilibrium thrown off. So while I look forward to the day I can go on my website and look at all my art uninterrupted, I’d rather take the time it needs to comes out right and not make any promises.


Anyway, thanks for going on this jourmey with me. Stay happy and stay healthy! 💖