Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!
It took me a while, but now…but now! Now, I am making a “blog post” on my phone in 2021! Hahahahaha!!!!
It’s really the weirdest feeling. Memories of Zynga and Blogspot and old school tumblr are welling up, ephemeral threads of the past I haven’t tugged on in years making themselves known.
Making a website or blog or anything for the dorybot art practice/brand was never really a goal of mine — it seemed nebulous and out of reach. What did I really need with a site that I didn’t already have with social media? That was already enough to build up and work with.
But as I’m sure you know…the pandemic. Now that the most dangerous thing in the world is a human being too hopped on pre-2020 nostalgia to remember they’re in the here and now…well…if the world changes, then out of necessity, I must too. The days of partyboy dorybot pinballing their way through any culture they could sink their teeth into into are no more.
But even though the internet is more physically safe…is it mentally safe?
Well…no. There was already this sick “always digitally available” thing going on, as well as the flattening of every social sphere onto one (1) screen…but that always felt like, an invisible layer on top of the world. But now it feels like, the internet has BECOME the whole world. Add in the fact that social media has become a million times more inflammatory and decayed…it’s something I just really, really don’t want to deal with. Even if I COULD deal with it, I wouldn’t want to. So why force it?
But you know…a bot’s gotta build. Even if the world out there is extremely hostile, I still have to share and express myself. Just, now it’s got to be on 100% my own terms. I wanted to make a site that reminds me of how the internet used to be…when your digital presence was only expected when you were at a literally at the computer tying up the phone line (and this was abnormal, undesirable behavior) and people made their own personal castles out of hypertext that only really existed in our collective minds…if you ignore all the gross, dodgy stuff from back then, it was very magical.
If the world wants me to forget, I will do my hardest to remember. If I’m expected to run twice as hard to keep up, then I will do everything in my power to slow down. This is just how I am, and how it has to be. I’m not a believer in the good old days, nor do I subscribe to the idea that things were simpler then, but I do believe in salvaging perfectly good concepts that were forgotten and infusing them with modern life.
What adventures lie ahead for the good ship dorybot.online? Well, I got no clue — only time will tell. All I know is that I’ll take all the time I need and I’m happy to have you with me. Bon voyage!