Hey, did you know? As of January 2025, Hakaba Kitaro is streaming on RetroCrush! It brought me a thrill of excitement to watch it legally with English subs, nestled in with local lawyer commercials. There is something to be said about its unique brand of horror, and how the instability of post-WW2 Japan feels similar… Continue reading Kitaro Mania Redux
Author: dorybot
Hologram Harvest [art + site update]
Hello! Happy Halloween! I updated my archive tab! It has the beginnings of a screenshot archive of my Instagram. You can’t click through the thumbnails yet — I’m not quite sure if that’s how I’ll organize it when the time comes — but it’s quite the trip, scrolling through my old works like that. And… Continue reading Hologram Harvest [art + site update]
Load Bearing Electronic Exhaust
In the dog days of summer, a deep melancholy blooms. It’s immensely difficult to enjoy nature and be out and about in 100+ degree heat, and even when the sun goes down, the humidity envelopes and chokes. In the interest of avoiding migraine and heatstroke, the pragmatic thing to do is stay inside. But you… Continue reading Load Bearing Electronic Exhaust
Deformed Guy Reverie
So, my partner pointed out to me that this drawing I did of Kitaro looked like Quasimodo. So naturally, when I was bored, I decided to watch the Disney adaption of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Well… I have extremely mixed feelings about the Disney adaptation of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Love the music!… Continue reading Deformed Guy Reverie
Getakichi 420 Inferno ゲタ吉 大麻地獄
Heaven or Hell! Let’s rock!! — 18+ webzine — mature subjects — adults only —
Kitaro-likes & Kitaro-lites
There are Kitaro in the world all around you…there might even be a Kitaro next to you right now! But… what’s a Kitaro? It might be difficult for English speakers to understand. For a very long time, the only people who even talked about Kitaro on English internet were turbo-otaku — the freaks among freaks,… Continue reading Kitaro-likes & Kitaro-lites
Gegege Across Texas
While it’s true I don’t believe in air travel during an uncontrolled pandemic, for my friend Kitaro, I am willing to make an exception. Since he is a yokai and yokai don’t get sick, I don’t have to worry about silly things like brain shrinkage and organ damage around him 💞 While he mostly just… Continue reading Gegege Across Texas
Dulciana in Cheydinhal [TES:IV]
Fall 2020 x Summer 2023 Dulciana’s head ached. She slept through the night and through the morning, but clearly that wasn’t enough. What was it she had done the day before…? Ah, yes — she hazily recalled being stuck in some sort of enchanted painting full of horrid trolls. Dulciana wasn’t the magic and alchemy… Continue reading Dulciana in Cheydinhal [TES:IV]
New Age Nutcase [Zine Repost]
c. Fall 2017, I believe. I wanted to read this again but it turned out I deleted it from my IG. So, here it is once more :]
Dorybot’s First Marriage
It didn’t end well! They’ll tell you all about it if you sign a non-disclosure agreement (and send them 50k USD)