Funny animal pictures

What the fuck…it’s May. Time goes so fast, yet good things take so long. No, I haven’t posted anything in quite some time, but to understand what people create and publish, we must understand their circumstances. For me, the general points are still same — 1) the pandemic rages, 2) the Texan infrastructure crumbles, 3)… Continue reading Funny animal pictures

joyeux 2023

I’ve been getting into this art called “WWE” lately. Have you heard of it? It’s a very famous form of ritualistic American BDSM theater. It’s great! However, I was shocked to see kids in the audience, as I thought it was illegal for children to know about sexuality there until they turn 21. It turns… Continue reading joyeux 2023

Categorized as Selfie

An Archive of Twitter Vibes

The feeling on Twitter is kind of tasty and pointed rn, like jumping ship while laughing harder than you have in a long, long time. A lot of people are switching to Mastodon and Cohost. But considering I don’t even want to post on my main Twitter and Instagram. I’m not going to fucking force… Continue reading An Archive of Twitter Vibes


-This is an essay about covid times, not boba tea. Reader discretion is advised- Realistically, we are about halfway thru the pandemic being a red hot mass killing/disabling event. It seems most Americans have moved on and were more disturbed by the empty shelves and toilet paper panic at the beginning of it all, and… Continue reading Bubbly

Cuir d’Automate

Officially speaking, “I’m 25”, but when we look closely at things…. People are free to define adulthood however they want. If someone thinks it’s, marriage, kids, and house, I don’t think that’s right, but…that means I’m free to have my own definitions that same (WRONG) person finds repugnant. Anyway my definition of adulthood is very… Continue reading Cuir d’Automate

Panda hair

I don’t normally like my hair up but when I do…I like to look like a panda 🐼 I canceled my ipsy last month and I’m glad I managed to — I have more than enough makeup for whatever looks I want now. Also the DHL shipping stressed me out. I’ve been writing a lot.… Continue reading Panda hair

Categorized as Selfie

Cannícula ~ Dog Days ~ State of the Bot July 2022

☀️ It’s soooo fucking hot….Heat truly brings an altered state of mind. It makes the day long and people drive crazy. Combined with the collective loss of self-preservation instincts in regards to the worsening plague…. I mean if I’m going to be avoiding people, it’s not a stretch to avoid the sun too 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♀️ ☀️… Continue reading Cannícula ~ Dog Days ~ State of the Bot July 2022

Things that are, things that were, and things that have not yet to pass — going forward

🌸 I have started to go back on my main socials after about 9 months. Mostly I stick around for a few minutes, unfollow accounts I don’t feel aligned with anymore, then leave. Exposure therapy!! 🌸 It’s going to take a while before I feel I’ve reshaped my previous web presence into the person/energy I… Continue reading Things that are, things that were, and things that have not yet to pass — going forward

Categorized as Meta

In the cleanest of air, near the dazzling sea, you felt gloriously comfortable, your lips gleaming free

Even when people gave a shit about wearing masks, it was always bitches in the beauty section never wearing masks…now that nobody is wearing masks and everybody forgot about the pandemic, I’ve lost the fun in beauty shopping. Just get the basics, in and out. You can forget about hanging around a cramped Sephora! Sigh…so… Continue reading In the cleanest of air, near the dazzling sea, you felt gloriously comfortable, your lips gleaming free

Categorized as Selfie