Author: dorybot
Silly botty sexy thotty
I’ve been thinking about gyaru lately…they seem like they have a lot of fun . Austere repressed cultures encourage you to feel guilty about fun. But when the world is collapsing around you? The most important things become the frivolous, the silly, the fun. Or else you die inside. Yes, this is my life’s thesis!… Continue reading Silly botty sexy thotty
The Time Princess Metagame
I wake up extremely dry. Much drier than usual. As I wait for the Britta machine to fill up, I note I have an inkling of a migraine coming on. Undeterred, I pop a naproxen. It’s not my ideal first line of defense, as I don’t like how it dries me out, but CBD oil… Continue reading The Time Princess Metagame
That one time I was an elf in Lord of the Rings
I’d like to be an elf! Or rather …aren’t vampires elves? So I’m already there 🧛♂️🧛♀️ The way I see it, vampires are urban elves, completely assimilated to human culture (or at least the successful ones are). Fairies are country elves, with that immigrant stubborness that doesn’t let even a drop of human culture in.… Continue reading That one time I was an elf in Lord of the Rings
State of the BOT March 2022
🌸 I updated the site a lil last month. There is now an essays page and an archive page. 🌸 If you’re curious what I’ve been up to… skincare mostly. Glossier discontinuing Bubblewrap has sent me on an epic quest into finding a good replacement I can easily get IRL. It turns out that’s the… Continue reading State of the BOT March 2022
Happy New Year!
Watched Beautiful Dreamer for the first time! It’s the perfect pandemic new year’s movie. All the fireworks went off when Ataru blew on the horn signaling his desire to return to reality….t’was epic ⚡
Robot guts in amber, perfectly preserved
While researching the link between ableist New Age woo and the technofascist nightmare all around us, I found this wonderful essay: “Pandora’s Vox Redux” by humdog. This bitch knew EVERYTHING happening today on the internet back in 1994. It’s literally all the thoughts and words and essays I’ve been marinating in my brain about digital… Continue reading Robot guts in amber, perfectly preserved
A Chillito (Chi-YÍ-to) Story [FO3]
You didn’t have to kill them. The average Wastelander’s head, even at its least sturdy and most malnourished, can withstand an energy shot or two. You could have given a warning shot, scared them a little, and gotten the fuck out of dodge. You didn’t have to kill them. But they shot first and you… Continue reading A Chillito (Chi-YÍ-to) Story [FO3]
“Don’t like” face
Damn sun just come out already!! Let me get my little tasks out of the way!! ☀️
Shout out to the guy who translated Sayooshi [genuine] + Initial Impressions
Wow…I am sure glad I decided to look on the Sayooshi tag on tumblr tag the other day (something I don’t normally do) cuz….wow! Apparently an English translation had been out for a month and I had no clue! Sayonara wo Oshiete got on my radar in summer 2020, during a particularly harrowing quarantine. The… Continue reading Shout out to the guy who translated Sayooshi [genuine] + Initial Impressions